The Ultimate Protector – Head outdoors with Ben’s, the ultimate protector from biting insects. Ben’s is made in New Hampshire and torture tested in the White Mountains, the heart of bug country.
100% DEET Max Formula – Protect yourself with this maximum strength 100 DEET bug spray that contains no alcohol or additives – just DEET.
10 Hours of Protection – Enjoy up to 10 hours of protection from ticks, mosquitoes, biting flies, flies, chiggers, and midges.
CDC-Recommended Active Ingredient – Choose this CDC-recommended active ingredient for repelling disease-carrying insects. This 100% DEET formula has been trusted by outdoorspeople for over 30 years.
Travel-Friendly – Take this travel size 3.4 oz. bug spray to areas with high insect activity while traveling, hiking, fishing, backpacking and hunting.
Protection from Disease-Carrying Insects – Ben’s 100 repels ticks and mosquitoes that may carry Lyme disease, Zika virus, West Nile virus, and dengue fever.
Active Ingredient: 100% DEET
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