The Gun Goss Pro universal cleaning kit is a sturdy, sleek, secure tool case loaded with high-quality brass rods and a innovative multi-function rod handle.The components and compartments are labeled making organization a breeze and the patent pending kick stand case keeps everything within easy reach.
- Multi-function T-handle that rotates, taps pins, and works as a detailing handle
- Three brass rod sections
- 20 Gauge and 12 Gauge Mops
- Phospor Bronze Bore Brushes – 12 GA/20 GA, .22-.45 Cal
- .22-.45 Caliber Specific Bore Patch Jags
- Small and Large Nylon Slotted Bore Patch Tips
- Cleaning patches
Caliber Or Gauge:Universal
Type:Cleaning Kit
Bristle Type:Brass
Case Material:Plastic Box
The Real Avid Gun Boss Pro Universal Gun Cleaning Kit
The verdict is in: Most kits are flimsy, spill-prone trays. Th…
Additional Information
Model Number:AVGBPROU
Sub Category:Cleaning Kits
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